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Selectmen's Minutes September 25, 2001
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes                                                                                                                                     September 25, 2001

Present:   Judy Murdoch, Catherine Kuchinski, Daniel Webster and Peter Jones.  (Stephanie McSweeney Absent) Also present, Executive Secretary E. Winn Davis and Management Assistant, Meredith Scozzari.

7:38 p.m.  Chairman Webster called the meeting to order and read the announcements -   Vacancy on Council for Elder Affairs; Memorial Book at Treasurer/Collector’s Office;  Town Meeting Monday, October 1st 7:30 p.m. Middle School; Problem Road Review Committee meeting scheduled for 7:30 p.m. 9/26.

Report from Senior Center – Jean Marie Smith, the interim Director was present with August Silva to discuss the Senior Center.  Mrs. Smith indicated that she has reorganized the employees due to the shortfall in the Senior Day Care Account.  She discussed the Senior Day Care program, the meals on wheels program; the status of the Center’s custodian.  Mrs. Smith provided the Board with a breakdown of the various positions and the hours and pay rate for each position.  The new reading program was also discussed.  The new program is designed for children only and does not include the seniors. Mrs. Smith does not recommend the new program.

MOTION by Kuchinski, second by Jones the Board accept the recommendation of the acting director and not to approve the new reading program.  Voted 4 – 0.

Recreation – One Day Liquor Licenses – Recreation Commission members, Robert O’Brien and Mary Pulieo as well as Ann Marie Bouzan were present to discuss the requirements for the Professional Bartending Service for all functions over 50 people.  Bob Schmidt and Allen Snow were present on behalf of the Rotary Club.  Mr. O’Brien explained that the policy was implemented based on Town Counsel’s recommendations. There is no charge to the renter to use the service and it removes liability from the Town. Mr. Schmidt indicated that the Rotary makes its profit from the bar sales and will lose the profit if the Bartending Service is used.  The Board and Commission members discussed alternative means to assist the civic organizations such as a reduced rental rate.  Mr. O’Brien indicated that he would take the matter up with the entire Commission.  Mr. Jones indicated that he would prefer leaving the bartending service policy in place.

Executive Secretary Report – Mr. Davis updated that Board regarding the Senior Center RFQ; advised the Board that the Cabinet of Curosity from the Bay Circuit Trail was on display by the Town Accountant’s office; status on the Beede Waste matter; a request has been made to declare the Planning Board members special employees.  The Ethics Commission suggested the designation would avoid any ethical problems for the library/senior center custodian as she is also a Planning Board member.

MOTION by Murdoch, second by Kuchinski to designate the Planning Board members as Special Employees.  Voted 4 – 0.

Discuss BARAN Agreement – Chairman Webster announced the Board would be entering Executive Session under Item #3 – union negotiations and item #6 sale of real estate.  Roll Call – Kuchinski aye; Murdoch aye; Webster aye; Jones aye.  Voted 4 – 0.

8:40 p.m. – Brief recess

9:12 p.m. – Return to open session

Finance Comm. Review Warrant Recommendations – Finance Committee members Roger McGovern, Jim Tuffo, Keith Obillo, Catherine Gallivan, Peg Hansen; Arthur Brasill and Manny Depina and Town Accountant Barbara Gomez were present to review the warrant.  The Boards discussed the following articles:

Article 8 – Additional personnel at the Disposal Area.  The Finance Committee is not in favor of putting on additional staff in the middle of the year.

Article 15 – Breathing apparatus for Fire Department – Fire Chief to pass over

Article 18 & 19 – Water Superintendent salary &Water GIS – Water Dept. passing over

Article 20 – 23 – Water Dept. requesting additional funds for borrowing – a housekeeping matter.

Article 25 – Landfill at Plymouth County Hospital – Chairman Webster explained that the Town may be able to use the grant money from DCAM to pay for the landfill.

Article 29 – Drainage – Finance Committee not in favor as the drainage committee requested the funds in the Spring and the Finance Committee reduced the amount.

Article 31 – GIS – The amount has been reduced to $4,000 for hardware for the Assessors

Article 32 – Septic Systems at Hospital – An additional bill has been received increasing the requested amount to $4,100.00

Article 36 – Problem Road – Rt. 14 intersection – Capital Improvement Chairman Pam Fasci was presented and informed both Boards that the CIC voted 7 – 0 not to approve the article because it was not on the Capital Improvement Plan.  However, they would probably support it in the Spring.

Article 40 – TIF – Reviewed the concept of the TIF agreement.

Article 44 – Funeral Expenses for Fire fighters – Chief to pass over.

Article 63 – Stabilization – The Finance Committee has recommended passing over the article.

MOTION by Murdoch, second by Kuchinski to reconsider Article 63.  Voted 4 – 0.

MOTION by Murdoch, second by Kuchinski to support the Finance Committee’s recommendation of passing over Article 63.  Voted 4 – 0.

Cable T.V. audio problems – Mr. Jones requested that a strongly worded letter be sent to AT&T regarding the poor quality in the audio.  Board also requested that Lou Russo come to the October 9th meeting and listen to one of the Tuesday night meetings.

MOTION by Murdoch, second by Kuchinski to adjourn.  Voted 4 – 0.

                        10:38 p.m. Meeting adjourned